Chenming Electronic Tech. Corp.





Investor Zone




1.Date of occurrence of the event:2018/12/26
2.Name of the company who receive the monetary loans, its
  relationship to the Company who extend the loans, ceiling
  amount on the monetary loans extended,  amount of loans
  originally extended, amount of the current additional loans,
  whether or not the board of directors authorize the chairperson
  to give loans for the borrowing counterparty; total extended
  amount of loans and the reason for loans as of the date of
  occurrence of the event:
(1)Name of the company who receive the monetary loans:CHENMING ELECTRONIC
(2)Relationship to the Company who extend the loans:Same with the
   subsidiaries of the Company.
(3)Ceiling amount on the monetary loans extended, amount of loans
   originally extended: NT76,466 Thousand dollars,NT0 Thousand dollars.
(4)Amount of the current additional loans: NT66,585 Thousand dollars.
(5)Whether or not the board of directors authorize the chairperson to give
   loans for the borrowing counterparty: yes
(6)Total extended amount of loans is NT66,585 Thousand dollars.The reason is
   to facilitate the company's funds within the company scheduling and the
   overall planning and utilization of funds.
3.Content and value of collaterals provided by the loan recipient, if any:None
4.Capital and Accumulated profit/loss of the loan recipient
  according to its latest financial report:Capital NT849,238 Thousand dollars.
 Accumulated profit NT53,464 Thousand dollars.
5.Method of calculation of interest:Interest rates are fixed at 5.0025%.
Can be divided dial the loan into several times; make early repayment;
 Revolving application; expire to pay principal to add interest once.
6.Terms/conditions and date for repayment:Can be divided dial the loan into
several times; make early repayment; Revolving application; expire to pay
principal to add interest once.The term of the loan is one year and is due
 for one year from the date of actual lending.
7.The Company’s total amount of monetary loans extended
  as of the date of occurrence of the event:NT318,150 Thousand dollars
8.The ratio of the total amount of monetary loans extended
  to the Company’s net worth on its most recent financial
  statements as of the date of occurrence of the event:12.28%
9.Sources of funds to extend monetary loans to others:The subsidiary itself.
10.Any other matters that need to be specified:None
1.Date of occurrence of the event:2018/12/26
2.Name of the company who receive the monetary loans, its
  relationship to the Company who extend the loans, ceiling
  amount on the monetary loans extended,  amount of loans
  originally extended, amount of the current additional loans,
  whether or not the board of directors authorize the chairperson
  to give loans for the borrowing counterparty; total extended
  amount of loans and the reason for loans as of the date of
  occurrence of the event:
(1)Name of the company who receive the monetary loans: DONGGUAN CHENMING
(2)Relationship to the Company who extend the loans:Same with the
   subsidiaries of the Company.
(3)Ceiling amount on the monetary loans extended, amount of loans
   originally extended: NT90,270 Thousand dollars,NT0 Thousand dollars.
(4)Amount of the current additional loans: NT66,585 Thousand dollars.
(5)Whether or not the board of directors authorize the chairperson to give
   loans for the borrowing counterparty: yes
(6)Total extended amount of loans is NT66,585 Thousand dollars.The reason is
   to facilitate the company's funds within the company scheduling and the
   overall planning and utilization of funds.
3.Content and value of collaterals provided by the loan recipient, if any:None
4.Capital and Accumulated profit/loss of the loan recipient
  according to its latest financial report:Capital NT872,218 Thousand dollars.
 Accumulated loss NT-107,553 Thousand dollars.
5.Method of calculation of interest:Interest rates are fixed at 5.0025%.
Can be divided dial the loan into several times; make early repayment;
 Revolving application; expire to pay principal to add interest once.
6.Terms/conditions and date for repayment:Can be divided dial the loan into
several times; make early repayment; Revolving application; expire to pay
principal to add interest once.The term of the loan is one year and is due
 for one year from the date of actual lending.
7.The Company’s total amount of monetary loans extended
  as of the date of occurrence of the event:NT318,150 Thousand dollars
8.The ratio of the total amount of monetary loans extended
  to the Company’s net worth on its most recent financial
  statements as of the date of occurrence of the event:12.28%
9.Sources of funds to extend monetary loans to others:The subsidiary itself.
10.Any other matters that need to be specified:None
1.Date of the board of directors resolution:2018/12/26
2.Purpose of the share repurchase:Maintain corporate credit and shareholder
3.Type of shares to be repurchased:Common stock
4.Ceiling on total monetary amount of the share repurchase:NT$658,745,722
5.Scheduled period for the repurchase:2018/12/27~2019/02/25
6.Number of shares to be repurchased:3,500,000 shares
7.Repurchase price range:NT$11~NT$22
8.Method for the repurchase:Buy back from the centralized trading market.
9.Ratio of the shares to be repurchased to total issued shares of the
10.Number of the Company’s own shares held at the time
   of reporting:3,500,000 shares
11.Status of repurchases within three years prior to the time of
   reporting:(1)For the first time in 2016, it is expected to buy back
8,000,000  shares, and actually buy back 8,000,000 shares, which has been
(2)For the first time in 2018, it is expected to buy back 3,500,000 shares,
 and actually buy back 3,500,000 shares, which has been cancelled.
12.Status of repurchases that have been reported but not yet
   completed:Not applicable
13.Minutes of the board of directors meeting that resolved for the share
(1)Purpose of the share repurchase:Maintain corporate credit and shareholder
(2)It is expected to buy back 3,500,000 shares from the centralized trading
market, and the expected buyback period is from 2018/12/27~2019/02/25.
(3)The buying price range per share is NT$11 to NT$22. However, if the
company's share price is lower than the specified price lower limit, it will
continue to execute the purchase of the company's shares.
14.The rules for transfer of shares set forth in Article 10 of the Guidelines
   for Repurchase of Shares by Listed and OTC Companies:Not applicable
15.The rules for conversion or subscription of shares set forth in Article 11
   of the Guidelines for Repurchase of Shares by Listed and
   OTC Companies:Not applicable
16.Declaration that the financial state of the Company has been considered by
   the board of directors and that its capital maintenance will not be
   affected:The total number of shares bought back constitutes only 2.06% of
the issued shares of the Company, and the maximum amount required to buy back
shares is only 2.22% of the current assets of the Company.It is stated that
the board of directors of the Company has considered the financial status of
the company and the purchase of the above shares. The return does not affect
the maintenance of the company's capital.
17.Appraisal by a CPA or securities underwriter of the reasonableness of the
   share repurchase price:The number of shares bought back and the price
range of the buy back are not significant to the company's financial
structure, cash flow, net tradable value, earnings per share,return on
equity, current ratio and quick ratio.
18.Other particular specified by the Securities and Futures Bureau:NA
1.Originally determined ceiling on total monetary amount of the share
2.Original scheduled period for the repurchase:2018/11/08~2019/01/07
3.Originally determined number of shares to be repurchased:3,500,000 shares
4.Originally determined repurchase price range:NT$11~21
5.Date of expiry of the repurchase period or completion of the
6.Number of shares repurchased:3,500,000 shares
7.Total monetary amount of shares repurchased:NT$52,026,594
8.Average repurchase price per share:NT$14.86
9.Cumulative number of own shares held:3,500,000 shares
10.Ratio of cumulative number of own shares held during the repurchase period
   to the total number of the Company’s issued shares:2.06%
11.Reason for non-completion of the share repurchase at expiry of the
   repurchase period:Not applicable
12.Any other matters that need to be specified:N/A
1.Date of the investor conference:2018/11/12
2.Time of the investor conference:14:30
3.Location of the investor conference: Mega Securities Building
(Taipei Zhongxiao East Road Sec 95, 13th Floor)
4.Brief information disclosed in the investor conference:The company was
invited to participate in the investor conference held by Mega Securities.
5.The presentation of the investor conference release:The presentation
materials are uploaded in the website of Market Observation Post System.
6.Will the presentation be released in the Company’s website:No
7.Any other matters that need to be specified:None
1.Date of the board of directors resolution:2018/11/07
2.Purpose of the share repurchase:Maintain corporate credit and shareholder
3.Type of shares to be repurchased:Common stock
4.Ceiling on total monetary amount of the share repurchase:NT$552,252,971
5.Scheduled period for the repurchase:2018/11/08~2019/01/07
6.Number of shares to be repurchased:3,500,000 shares
7.Repurchase price range:NT$11~NT$21
8.Method for the repurchase:Buy back from the centralized trading market.
9.Ratio of the shares to be repurchased to total issued shares of the
10.Number of the Company’s own shares held at the time
   of reporting:0
11.Status of repurchases within three years prior to the time of
   reporting:For the first time in 2016, it is expected to buy back
8,000,000  shares, and actually buy back 8,000,000 shares, which has been
12.Status of repurchases that have been reported but not yet
13.Minutes of the board of directors meeting that resolved for the share
(1)Purpose of the share repurchase:Maintain corporate credit and shareholder
(2)It is expected to buy back 3,500,000 shares from the centralized trading
market, and the expected buyback period is from 2018/11/08~2019/01/07.
(3)The buying price range per share is NT$11 to NT$21. However, if the
company's share price is lower than the specified price lower limit, it will
continue to execute the purchase of the company's shares.
14.The rules for transfer of shares set forth in Article 10 of the Guidelines
   for Repurchase of Shares by Listed and OTC Companies:NA
15.The rules for conversion or subscription of shares set forth in Article 11
   of the Guidelines for Repurchase of Shares by Listed and
   OTC Companies:NA
16.Declaration that the financial state of the Company has been considered by
   the board of directors and that its capital maintenance will not be
   affected:The total number of shares bought back constitutes only 2.06% of
the issued shares of the Company, and the maximum amount required to buy back
shares is only 2.48% of the current assets of the Company.It is stated that
the board of directors of the Company has considered the financial status of
the company and the purchase of the above shares. The return does not affect
the maintenance of the company's capital.
17.Appraisal by a CPA or securities underwriter of the reasonableness of the
   share repurchase price:The number of shares bought back and the price
range of the buy back are not significant to the company's financial
structure, cash flow, net tradable value, earnings per share,return on
equity, current ratio and quick ratio.
18.Other particular specified by the Securities and Futures Bureau:NA
1.Date of the resolution by the board of directors or shareholders' meeting
  or decision by the Company:2018/08/08
2.Type of ex-rights or ex-dividend (please enter: “Ex-rights”,
”Ex-dividend”, or ”Ex-rights and dividend”):Ex-dividend
3.Type and monetary amount of dividend distribution:
Total cash dividends:NT$84,967,509
4.Ex-rights (ex-dividend) trading date:2018/08/23
5.Last date before book closure:2018/08/26
6.Book closure starting date:2018/08/27
7.Book closure ending date:2018/08/31
8.Ex-rights (ex-dividend) record date:2018/08/31
9.Any other matters that need to be specified: None
1.Date of the board of directors resolution or date of occurrence of the
2.Type of personnel (chairman or general manager): vice chairman
3.Name and resume of the replaced personnel: None.
4.Name and resume of the new personnel: Lin Feng-Ran ,director ,Chenming
Mold Ind.Corp.
5.Type of the change (please enter: “resignation”, “conge”,
“tenure expired” ,“position adjustment”, “dismissal”, “retirement”,
“death” or “new appointment” ): new appointment
6.Reason for the change: Board election
7.Effective date of the new appointment:2018/08/08
8.Any other matters that need to be specified:None
1.Date of the shareholders' meeting:2018/06/13
2.Important resolutions (1)profit distribution/deficit
  compensation: Adoption of the proposal for distribution of 2017 profits.
3.Important resolutions (2)amendments of the corporate charter:
Adoption of the amendments of the corporate charter.
4.Important resolutions (3)business report and financial
  statements: Adoption of the 2017 business report and financial statements.
5.Important resolutions (4)elections of board of directors and
6.Important resolutions (5)other proposals:None
7.Any other matters that need to be specified:None
1.Date of the board of directors resolution :2018/03/16
2.Appropriations of earnings in cash dividends to shareholders (NT$
per share):0.5
3.Cash distributed from legal reserve and capital surplus
to shareholders (NT$ per share):None
4.Total amount of cash distributed to shareholders (NT$):NT$84,967,509
5.Appropriations of earnings in stock dividends to shareholders (NT$
per share):None
6.Stock distributed from legal reserve and capital surplus
to shareholders (NT$ per share):None
7.Total amount of stock distributed to shareholders (shares):None
8.Any other matters that need to be specified:None
1.Date of the board of directors resolution: 2018/03/16
2.Date for convening the shareholders' meeting: 2018/06/13
3.Location for convening the shareholders' meeting: Grand Victoria Hotel
  (No.168, Jingye 4th Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City, Taiwan)
4.Cause or subjects for convening the meeting
  (1)Report Items:
   1. Business Report for Year 2017
   2. The Supervisors' Audit Report on Final Account Settlement for Year 2017
   3. Distribution of remuneration to directors and supervisors and employees
   4. Amendment to the Company's "Board rules of procedure"
   5.Cause or subjects for convening the meeting
  (2)Matters for Ratification:
   1. Business Report and Financial Statements of Year 2017
   2. Distribution of earnings of Year 2017
6.Cause or subjects for convening the meeting
  (3)Matters for Discussion:
   1. Amendment to the Company's "Articles of Association"
7.Cause or subjects for convening the meeting
8.Cause or subjects for convening the meeting
  (5)Other Proposals:None
9.Cause or subjects for convening the meeting
  (6)Extemporary Motions: None
10.Book closure starting date: 2018/04/15
11.Book closure ending date: 2018/06/13
12.Any other matters that need to be specified:Duration for the Company to 
    accept proposals from shareholders: Starting from March 30, 2018 until April
    9, 2018.Venue to accept proposals from shareholders:Chenming Mold Ind. 
   Corp. (UNEEC) Financial Division (2F., No.27, Sec. 6, Minquan E. Rd., Neihu 
   Dist.,Taipei City,Taiwan (02)2797-3999)
1.Date of the investor conference:2017/11/17
2.Time of the investor conference:14:30
3.Location of the investor conference: Mega Securities Building
(Taipei Zhongxiao East Road Sec 95, 13th Floor)
4.Brief information disclosed in the investor conference:The company was
invited to participate in the investor conference held by Mega Securities.
5.The presentation of the investor conference release:The presentation
materials are uploaded in the website of Market Observation Post System.
6.Will the presentation be released in the Company’s website:No
7.Any other matters that need to be specified:None
1.Date of occurrence of the event:2017/08/14
2.Name of the company who receive the monetary loans, its
  relationship to the Company who extend the loans, ceiling
  amount on the monetary loans extended,  amount of loans
  originally extended, amount of the current additional loans,
  whether or not the board of directors authorize the chairperson
  to give loans for the borrowing counterparty; total extended
  amount of loans and the reason for loans as of the date of
  occurrence of the event:
(1)Name of the company who receive the monetary loans: DONGGUAN CHENMING
(2)Relationship to the Company who extend the loans:Same with the
   subsidiaries of the Company.
(3)Ceiling amount on the monetary loans extended, amount of loans
   originally extended: NT82,763 Thousand dollars,NT0 Thousand dollars.
(4)Amount of the current additional loans: NT67,290 Thousand dollars.
(5)Whether or not the board of directors authorize the chairperson to give
   loans for the borrowing counterparty: no
(6)Total extended amount of loans is NT67,290 Thousand dollars.The reason is
   to facilitate the company's funds within the company scheduling and the
   overall planning and utilization of funds.
3.Content and value of collaterals provided by the loan recipient, if any:None
4.Capital and Accumulated profit/loss of the loan recipient
  according to its latest financial report:Capital NT872,218 Thousand dollars.
 Accumulated loss NT-40,617 Thousand dollars.
5.Method of calculation of interest:Interest rates are fixed at 4.1%. Can be
divided dial the loan into several times; make early repayment; Revolving
application; expire to pay principal to add interest once.
6.Terms/conditions and date for repayment:Can be divided dial the loan into
several times; make early repayment; Revolving application; expire to pay
principal to add interest once.The term of the loan is one year and is due
 for one year from the date of actual lending.
7.The Company’s total amount of monetary loans extended
  as of the date of occurrence of the event:NT15,473 Thousand dollars
8.The ratio of the total amount of monetary loans extended
  to the Company’s net worth on its most recent financial
  statements as of the date of occurrence of the event:0.71%
9.Sources of funds to extend monetary loans to others:The subsidiary itself.
10.Any other matters that need to be specified:None
1.Date of the resolution by the board of directors or shareholders' meeting
  or decision by the Company:2017/07/14
2.Type of ex-rights or ex-dividend (please enter: “Ex-rights”,
”Ex-dividend”, or ”Ex-rights and dividend”):Ex-dividend
3.Type and monetary amount of dividend distribution:
Total cash dividends:NT$84,967,509
4.Ex-rights (ex-dividend) trading date:2017/08/03
5.Last date before book closure:2017/08/05
6.Book closure starting date:2017/08/06
7.Book closure ending date:2017/08/10
8.Ex-rights (ex-dividend) record date:2017/08/10
9.Any other matters that need to be specified: None
1.Type of personnel changed (please enter: spokesperson, acting
  spokesperson, important personnel(CEO, COO, CMO,
 CSO, etc.),financial officer, accounting officer, research and
  development officer, or internal audit officer):financial officer,
accounting officer,spokesperson and acting spokesperson.
2.Date of occurrence of the change:2017/07/14
3.Name, title, and resume of the replaced person:
financial officer:LO CHIH CHI/Assistant Vice President,Chenming Mold Ind.
accounting officer:LO CHIH CHI/Assistant Vice President,Chenming Mold Ind.
spokesperson:LO CHIH CHI/Assistant Vice President,Chenming Mold Ind.Corp.
acting spokesperson:HUANG SHIN CHIEH /Senior manager,Chenming Mold Ind.
4.Name, title, and resume of the replacement:
financial officer:HUANG SHIN CHIEH /Senior manager,Chenming Mold Ind.Corp.
accounting officer:SU CHUNG CHING / manager,Chenming Mold Ind.Corp.
spokesperson:HUANG SHIN CHIEH /Senior manager,Chenming Mold Ind.Corp.
acting spokesperson:SU CHUNG CHING/ manager,Chenming Mold Ind.Corp.
5.Type of the change (please enter: “resignation”, “position
adjustment”, “dismissal”, “retirement”, “death” or “new
replacement” ):position adjustment
6.Reason for the change:position adjustment
7.Effective date:2017/07/15
8.Any other matters that need to be specified:None
1.Date of the board of directors resolution or date of occurrence of the
2.Type of personnel (chairman or general manager): general manager
3.Name and resume of the replaced personnel:LIN MU-HE,Chairman of the company
also serve as the President of the company concurrently,Chenming Mold Ind.
4.Name and resume of the new personnel:LO CHIH CHI,Chief Financial and
Accounting officer ,Chenming Mold Ind.Corp.
5.Type of the change (please enter: “resignation”, “conge”,
“tenure expired” ,“position adjustment”, “dismissal”, “retirement”,
“death” or “new appointment” ):position adjustment
6.Reason for the change:position adjustment
7.Effective date of the new appointment:2017/07/15
8.Any other matters that need to be specified:None
1.Date of occurrence of the event:2017/06/27
2.Method of the present increase (decrease) in investment:
   Investment in mainland china through existing company from third region.
3.Transaction volume, price per unit, and total monetary
   amount of the transaction:
   Total monetary amount of the transaction:USD$ 4,200,000
   Transaction volume, price per unit:not applicable
4.Company name of the invested mainland Chinese company:
5.Paid-in capital of said invested mainland Chinese company:
   Registered capital:USD$ 64,500,000
   Paid-in capital:USD$ 64,500,000
6.Amount of new capital increment currently planned
  by said invested mainland Chinese company: USD$ 4,200,000
7.Main business items of said invested mainland Chinese
   company: Computer chassis.
8.Type of CPA opinion issued for the financial statement
   of said invested mainland Chinese company for the most
   recent fiscal year: No reservations opinion.
9.Net worth of said invested mainland Chinese company on
   the financial statement for the most recent fiscal year: RMB$ 171,450,850
10.Amount of profit/loss of said invested mainland Chinese
   company on the financial statement for the most recent
   fiscal year: RMB$ 25,378,510
11.Amount of actual investment to date in said invested
    mainland Chinese company: USD$ 12,300,000
12.Counterparty to the transaction and its relationship
    to the Company:The Company invested 52% in CHENMING ELECTRONIC (NINGBO)
    CO.,LTD. CHENMING(H.K.) CORPORATION LIMITED and the chairman of the company
    for the same person.
13.Where the counterparty to the transaction is an actual
   related party, public announcement shall also be made of
   the reason for choosing the related party as the
   counterparty and the identity of the previous owner
   (including its relationship with the company and the
   trading counterpart), the date of transfer, and the price:
   CHENMING ELECTRONIC (NINGBO) CO.,LTD. is a controlled subsidiary of the
   Company.In the operating interests and operational prospects under the
   premise of optimism, With CHENMING (NINGBO) another shareholder
   CHENMING(H.K.)to buy equity. Enhance the overall parent company shareholders'
   equity and corporate governance.Import the integrated resources to serve,
   customers and improve customer satisfaction.
14.Where a person who owned the subject matter of the
    transaction within the past five years has been an
    actual related party of the company, public
    announcement shall also be made of the dates and
    prices of acquisition and disposal by the related
    party and such party's relationship to the company
    at those times:not applicable
15.Gain (or loss) on disposal:not applicable
16.Terms of delivery or payment (including payment period
    and monetary amount), restrictive covenants in the
    contract, and other important stipulations: USD$ 4,200,000
17.The manner of deciding on this transaction, the reference
    basis for the decision on price and the decision-making
    department:the decision-making department is Board of Directors
18.Broker:not applicable
19.Concrete purpose of the acquisition or disposal:Long-term investment.
20.Do the directors have any objection to the present transaction?:
     not applicable
21.Total amount of mainland China area investment
    (including the present investment) approved by the
    Investment Commission to date: USD$ 44,400,000
22.Ratio of the total amount of investment (including
    the present investment) in the mainland China area approved
    by the Investment Commission to date to the paid-in capital
    on the financial statement for the most recent period:79.25%
23.Ratio of the total amount of investment (including
    the present investment) in the mainland China area
    approved by the Investment Commission to date to the
    total assets on the financial statement for the most
    recent period:60.01%
24.Ratio of the total amount of investment (including
    the present investment) in the mainland China area approved
    by the Investment Commission to date to the shareholders’
    equity on the financial statement for the most recent period:52.02%
25.Total amount of actual investment in the mainland China
    area to date:USD$40,200,000
26.Ratio of the total amount of actual investment in the
    mainland China area to date to the paid-in capital on
    the financial statement for the most recent period:71.75%
27.Ratio of the total amount of actual investment in the
    mainland China area to date to the total assets on the
    financial statement for the most recent period:54.33%
28.Ratio of the total amount of actual investment in the
    mainland China area to date to the shareholders’ equity
    on the financial statement for the most recent period:47.10%
29.Amount of recognized profits and losses on investment in
    the mainland China area for the most recent three fiscal years:
    2014Y: NT$-45,611,000
    2015Y: NT$4,136,000
    2016Y: NT$123,374,000
30.Amount of profit remitted back to Taiwan for the most
    recent three fiscal years:0
31.Has the CPA issued an opinion on the unreasonableness of the price
    of the current transaction?:NO
32.Any other matters that need to be specified:None
1.Kind of merger/acquisition (e.g.merger, consolidation, spin-off
  ,acquisition, or receiving assignment of shares):acquisition
2.Date of occurrence of the event:2017/06/27
3.Names of companies participating in the merger ( of the
  other company participating in the merger or consolidation, newly
  established company in a spin-off, acquired company, or company
  whose shares are taken assignment of):CHENMING ELECTRONIC (NINGBO) CO.,LTD
4.Counterparty ( of the other company participating in
  the merger or consolidation, company taking assignment of the
  spin-off, or counterparty to the acquisition or assignment of shares):
5.Relationship between the counterparty and the Company (investee
  company in which the Company has re-invested and has shareholding
  of XX%), and explanation of the reasons for the decision to acquire,
  or take assignment of the shares of, an affiliated enterprise or
  related person, and whether it will affect shareholders' equity:
  The Company invested 52% in CHENMING ELECTRONIC (NINGBO) CO.,LTD.
  The Chairman of CHENMING(H.K.) CORPORATION LIMITED and the company is the
  same person.
6.Purpose/objective of the merger/acquisitionation:
  Enhance the overall parent company shareholders' equity and corporate
  governance.Import the integrated resources to serve customers, and improve
  customer satisfaction.
7.Anticipated benefits of the merger/acquisition:Integrate both resources,
  improve operational efficiency and reduce operating costs.
8.Effect of the merger or consolidation on net worth per share and
  earnings per share:After two businesses are merged, it will enhance
  operational efficiency and get higher products’ capabilities.It is expected
  to have a positive effect on net asset value of each share and earnings per
9.Share exchange ratio and basis of its calculation:
  (1)Share exchange ratio: not applicable
  (2)basis of its calculation: According to the valuation report
10.Scheduled timetable for consummation:Estimated Complete Date is by
   April 30, 2018.
11.Matters related to assumption by the existing company or new
   company of rights and obligations of the extinguished (or spun-off)
   company:not applicable
12.Basic information of companies participating in the merger:not applicable
13.Matters related to the spin-off (including estimated value of
   the business and assets planned to be assigned to the existing
   company or new company; the total number and the types and
   volumesof the shares to be acquired by the split company or
   its shareholders; matters related to the reduction, if any,
   in capital of the split company) (note: not applicable other
   than where there is announcementof a spin-off):not applicable
14.Conditions and restrictions on future transfers of shares
   resulting from the merger or acquisition:None
15.Other important stipulations:None
16.Do the directors have any objection to the present transaction?:No
1.Date of occurrence of the change:2017/06/27
2.Name of the functional committees:Remuneration Committee
3.Name and resume of the replaced member:
  (1)CHANG YI MIN :UNEEC Independent Director /Licensed Accountant,Chu Cheng
      Accounting Firm.
  (2)LIN CHIANG FENG :UNEEC Independent Director /Associate Professor,
      Department of International Business,Tamkang University
  (3)Chen Hung-Chang:Association director,Book of the Association in Kaohsiung
      /Chief,Dezhang Accounting firm disabilities
4.Name and resume of the new member:
  (1)CHANG YI MIN :UNEEC Independent Director /Licensed Accountant,Chu Cheng
      Accounting Firm.
  (2)LIN CHIANG FENG :UNEEC Independent Director /Associate Professor,
      Department of International Business,Tamkang University
  (3)Chen Hung-Chang:Association director,Book of the Association in Kaohsiung
      /Chief,Dezhang Accounting firm disabilities
5.Type of the change (please enter: “resignation”, “discharge”,
 “tenure expired” , “death” or “new appointment”):tenure expired
6.Reason of the change:tenure expired
7.Original term (from __________ to __________):2014/07/16~2017/06/12
8.Effective date of the new member:2017/06/27~2020/06/15
9.Any other matters that need to be specified:None
1.Date of the shareholders' meeting:2017/06/16
2.Important resolutions (1)profit distribution/deficit compensation: Adoption of the proposal for distribution of 2016 profits.
3.Important resolutions (2)amendments of thecoporat charter:None
4.Important resolutions (3)business report and financial statements: Adoption of the 2016 business report and financial statements.
5.Important resolutions (4)elections of board of directors and supervisors:Election of new directors and supervisors.
6.Important resolutions (5)other proposals:
  (1)Amendment to the Company's ”Procedures for the Acquisition or Disposal of Assets”.
  (2)Adoption of releasing the prohibition of business strife on directors from participation in competitive Business.
7.Any other matters that need to be specified:None